Think you can't be a mentor? Think again.
"I don't have enough time" Everyone is busy we get it but just think, what if you traded 2 hours of TV a month to make a difference in a young persons life.
"I'm not qualified" You don't need any special talents or credentials, just show up and listen. We'll provide you training to help you with your first meeting and along the way.
"I already volunteer" You rock! Our community has several organizations doing important work and we don't want to prevent you from doing that. We're just asking that you find 1 hour, every other week to help a young person.
"I'm too old / too young" If you're over 21 you can sign up to be a mentor. Everyone at all stages in their life can provide positive support to a child.
"I don't have money to spend on activities" No worries! We are great at finding free and inexpensive things for you to do.
"I'm afraid I wont have anything in common with my youth or they won't like me" We conduct the same interest survey for both the mentor and mentee to make sure we get the best fit.
Mentor Spotlight

Chantel Dominique
CASA volunteer
Executive Director at Bloom Kids Closet
A wife and mom of two.
As a CASA I realized a lot of the kids just needed a little extra attention, guidance, Influence, and support. I want to make a difference in their lives, no matter the magnitude.
Knowing that my mentee looks forward to seeing me is enough reward for me. It’s confirmation that I’m doing something good.
Abbie Singer
I have always enjoyed being around kids of all ages. When I heard that there was a group of likeminded individuals who were going to create a mentoring program for the area, I knew it was something that I had to be a part of. I was raised by a very loving and supportive family and strive to provide that kind of environment for my own little girls, but I also know that it is something that I am capable of providing to so many other children/youth. I feel honored to, not only sit on the board for Mentors for Williams County, but to have been asked to be one of the first mentors for the program. I will continue to do my part to ensure that the program continues to flourish and help as many children as possible.

Debra Beevers
I have been a resident of Bryan for 52 years. I moved to Bryan in 1969 when my father, Rev. W.J. Holbrook accepted the pastoral position at New Life Worship Center.
I have worked in the metals industry for 32 years and am currently the Marketing Director for Concast Metal Products in the Cleveland and Pittsburgh areas. I am a proud wife, mom, grandma, PK and organ donor.
My professional and personal memberships include:
The Copper and Brass Service Center Association where she serves as chair of the Communication Committee
The Association of Women in the Metals Industry
Precision Machined Parts Associations
Power in the Purse (BAF)
Director of the Joyce Reader Memorial Foundation
New Hope Community Church
Linda Tracy
I have lived in Bryan my whole life. I have 3 beautiful kids, 2 boys who are grown and a 16 year old daughter who is going to be a junior next year. I came across this program and knew it was something I needed to be involved with. I am employed at Northwest Ohio Juvenile Corrections and Rehabilitation Center as a Juvenile Corrections officer and have been employed there for 4 years. I joined the Mentors for Williams County so that I could be a mentor for the many youth in our county who may not have support in their lives. This has been the most rewarding opportunity I have ever had. I encourage anyone who loves kids and who cares about helping our youth, to be a support person in their life, to sign up today. You are needed!

Charlene Mitschelen
Physical Therapist at CHWC
Charlene enjoys serving the community. She has noticed the youth lack positive attention, good role models and encouragement. She was excited to learn about Mentors For Williams County stating "The youth of this county need us all to step up and be there for them, being a Mentor is a great way to start!"
Diane Peters
What Motivated you to become a Mentor?
"I was a Big Sister in college and found it very meaningful. I now have the time to commit to a regular mentor relationship and want to share my enthusiasm and positivity with someone who can benefit from it."
What would you say to someone who is considering becoming a Mentor?
"If you have the time and are interested in making a difference in someone's life, this is a great opportunity!"

Dennis Hug
What motivated you to become a Mentor?
"I would like to give back to the community that has given me and my family so much!"
What would you say to others who are considering becoming a Mentor?